Welcome to Unity India Services.

Terms & Condition

* Our Project-in-Charge from Head Office will visit the premises, 2-3 times a week to attend the points/queries.

* He/she shall be responsible to provide the requisite guidance and organizational Instructions to the deployed House-men from time to time to provide the best services.

* The above-mentioned housekeeping charge will be payable to you on monthly bill submission basis the bills will be submitted to our project-in-charge, at site office at Gurgaon for his certification and recommendation for its payments to you.

* The HOUSEMEN shall not indulge in any anti-social, unlawful activities during their duty period at our site premises.

* The HOUSEMAN shall will maintain their uniform clean and neat with identity card.

* The HOUSEMAN names, their local addresses & contact phone Nos etc. Shall be submitted by our project-in-charge for his records and reference. In case another HOUSEMAN substitutes any person; his detail etc. shall be furnished within two days of his deployment. For any reason the housemen are absent the other will reach by an hour.

* We will arrange to provide the requisite manpower Attendants & Disinfectants etc. for the successful housekeeping/maintenance of the premises at your project.

* We will fix up the eight hours working time schedule in consultation with your project In-Charge We shall abide by all applicable local State Govt/Central Govt. Rules, Regulations, Etc., Laboure Laws, Safety rules etc. and shall comply/adhere to minimum Wages Act, Workman Compensation Act, Employees Insurance Act, and Employees Provident Fund Act etc.

* We are requested to treat this as a firm order and to sign and return the duplicate copy of this letter to us, as a token of your acceptance.

* Trained/uniformed personnel will be deployed at your site. Timing shall be worked out as per discussions with you preferably shift timing.

* Payment to be made by the 30" of the subsequent months.

* On finalization of the contract an MOU shall be signed by the two parties (your company & Akar service) for a period of not less than 1 calendar year.

* In case of any upward revision in govt. levies/taxes or minimum wages, the same shall be borne by your company Cost benefits can be worked out basis addition/removal of which can be done on completion of discussions with you.